Norway Tech Event at São Paulo Tech Week 2016


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Norway Tech Event at São Paulo Tech Week 2016

Norway Tech Event at São Paulo Tech Week 2016

Discussions about virtual reality and its use and implementation across industries is the topic of the hour in the global tech scene and in-line with IN Rio’s and NBCC’s strategy to broaden its network in the Brazilian tech and ICT sector.

On the 7th of November a joint effort of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Brasília, Innovation Norway Rio de Janeiro and NBCC led to the first-ever Norway Tech event in Brazil focusing on trends and developments in the areas of data visualization and immersive experiences bringing together both experts and industry players from Brazil and Norway.

The event took place at Google Campus and has also been part of the official agenda of São Paulo Tech Week, which is the biggest tech and innovation meeting place in Latin America taking place every November in the city of São Paulo with more than 100 different events, seminars, hackathons and start-up pitching competitions.

Brazil is one of the most exciting and biggest ICT markets in the world with an extremely tech and social media savvy society. At the same time there is quite a significant number of excellent Norwegian companies either already active in Brazil or interested in entering the country with leading technologies in media-tech, panoramic 360º filming, holistic design solutions and data visualization and recognition technology. Showcasing that by gathering more than 100 participants to listen to companies like Eggs Design, Vizrt, MakingView, StormGeo, Lemonade, HyperIsland and Tomra and their stories and applications can clearly be seen as a first and important step towards a stronger Norwegian involvement in a fast growing industry.

A short video with some impressions from the event can be seen here:

By Martin Nietz, Innovation Norway
