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New staff at The Norwegian Church in Gávea

New residents are now settling in at the Norwegian Church in Gávea. The new staff hopes to see the long standing relationship with the...

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More than 100 European executives and businessmen have lunch with the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro

«It is time to get the priorities straight and we are counting on your support» Rio Mayor Marcelo Crivella said during lunch organized by...

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Intercâmbio em óleo e gás

Evento promovido pelo IBP e a OGE Óleo.Gás Energia reuniu autoridades brasileiras e estrangeiras para discutir a regulação do setor. Em...

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Open house at Petrobras

During a Petrobras event on June 23, 2017, Norwegian stakeholders learned about the new procurement structure of Petrobras. The event was...

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Gearing up for future growth

Statoil has great ambitions in Brazil, not only in oil, but also in gas and even renewables.  Continue shipshaping the organization was...

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Industry gathers in Macaé

The 9th edition of Brasil Offshore took place in Macaé from June 20-23, 2017. The Campos Basin is still responsible for 53 percent of the...

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