Rio de Janeiro is ramping up plans to develop a subsea cluster in the city and hopes to attract investments, stimulate technological...
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There was an abundance of innovations displayed and newcomers to meet at the Brasil Offshore 2013. A new generation drill ship from...
In Macaé to dream and learn A group of students from the DreamLearnWork initiative preferred visiting the Brasil Offshore expo in Macaé...
They come from all over the world, in a variety of shapes and sizes and they offer a vide range of services and products. But when the...
Norway has succeeded in developing a competitive and highly qualified oil & gas industry. Some of the challenges Norway was facing a...
For the very first time, the girls from Karanba are going abroad to dispute 3 championships in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. They are very...
The auction on May 14 raised a record 2.82 billion reais, and 30 companies,12 Brazilian and 18 of foreign origin, were among the winners....
The companies present at the workshop, that took place at the Espaco Finep in Flamengo om May 14-15, 2013, were all handpicked by Finep and...
The drilling units are being built by the Keppel FELS group and all of them will be contracted by Petrobras in Brazil. To Keppel FELS,...