Happy Holidays from NBCC


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To our members, partners and friends, 

It is with hope for improvement that 2019 is approaching us. A new government has been elected, promising substantial changes towards a more liberal business agenda and stronger international trade relations.  

The energy sector is already recovering, and the number of projects is increasing, with new oil companies starting their operations, while the renewable energy generation is growing, creating a  demand for services and infrastructure projects.  

2018 has been an active year for NBCC. We now have 126 members, and have also strengthened our cooperation with IBP, Abespetro, FIRJAN, other Nordic chambers and Team Norway, addressing the common interest to the right channels.  

A new focus on sustainable use of all ocean resources is gaining strength. Together with Team Norway, among other activities, the following events happened during the year in Rio and São Paulo:
– artificial intelligence
– gender equality
– tax reform
– decommissioning
– digitalization
– regulation of the maritime and ocean sector
– second Norway-Brazil Business & Science week
– the 1st NBCC members and family run/walk «Circuito das Estações-verão 2018» 

During the Rio Oil & Gas week, a high level delegation from Norway was present, including the Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjeddesour and our traditional NBCC ROG Networking dinner counted with the presence of 530 selected guests. 

NBCC working committees continue to deliver high quality contribution to our members, please do not miss them visiting our website. 

We would also like to take this opportunity to remember our dear friend Harald Martinsen, who passed away in November. He was BNCC´s president since 2013 and fundamental for the foundation of NBCC. His enthusiasm will be missed. 

The new year will present us with opportunities and challenges as a new administration takes office. Cooperation will be the fundamental. We believe that our community could play an important role in this scenario, where technology, transparency and entrepreneurial attitude are key words in the creation of a new business environment.  

With these words we joint the NBCC Board, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a successful 2019!


