PR Assessoria Empresarial Ltda.

  • Site:
  • Phone: 021 98184-1471
  • Contact:
  • Description:

    Advisory enterprise devoted to support Brazilian and foreign companies which want to access the Oil & Gas and Shipbuilding & Shiprepair markets in South America, in special Brazil, helping them to establish solid contacts with key persons and top level management teams of the most relevant players and stockholders of these markets, both private and governmental, as well as to identify opportunities and to develop business, thanks to the excellent relationship and reputation built by its owner, Mr Paulo Rolim, who held very high management positions in international companies operating in the region during the last 40 years.

    PR Assessoria Empresarial Ltda. is a consulting and advisory company specialized in the O&G Industry and in the Shipbuilding & Shiprepair business in South America, Brazil in particular, providing support to Brazilian and foreign companies to access local markets. Solid contacts with key persons and top level management teams of the most relevant players and stockholders of the industry and government.

  • Category:
    • Corporate
  • Segments:
    • Consultancy Services
    • Drilling, Construction, Production and Shipping
    • Energy, Oil & Gas Companies
    • Industrial Companies
    • Offshore Equipment and Services