Record participation at NBCC Family Run/Walk


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Thais in the middle, accompanied by Rune Bjaastad, Marianne Fosland, Lars Eik, Johnar Olsen and Carlo Cervo.

Thais Villela from Yinson was one of several participants that took on the challenge and ran the full 5K distance during a street run for the first time in her life. See photos and video here.

The second NBCC Members and Family Run/Walk «Circuito das Estações 2019 – Verão» took place on December 1, 2019 at Aterro do Flamengo. The participants had the choice between a 5K and 10K circuit, and a total of 160 NBCC associates from 24 companies were among the almost 15.000 runners on the starting line at 8:00 am this beautiful Sunday morning.

Click here to see photos

The purpose of the year-end event, organized by NBCC for the second time in 2019, is to get members out of the office and stimulate more physical activity, and increasing the awareness of the importance of prevention in benefit of good health and increased well-being.

Here you find a short video we made from the event.

Thais Villela, HR Manager at Yinson is a great example to her fellow NBCC associates. For the first time in her life, she ran the whole 5K distance.

“It´s not the first time I participate in a run like this, but it is the first time I manage to run the whole distance without stopping. It was actually easier than expected and the other NBCC participants helped me a lot, encouraging me and telling me to keep going”, she says.

Thais actually took up running again when receiving the invitation to participate in this year´s NBCC Family Run/Walk.

“My boss is a frequent runner and he actually ran 10K here today. He invited me to participate and encouraged me a lot. The last month I have been training and today I reached my goal.”


Great Investment
It is true what NBCC associate Gilberto Ururahy, founder of Med-Rio Check-up and sponsor of the event, always argues: Prevention is the best medicine and there are very few investments with better returns than physical activity.

Brazilship/Scanbrasil, Equinor, Kincaid, DNV GL and Statkraft were also sponsoring the event.

After the run, some of the athletes gathered in the 02 VIP area, to catch their breath, take selfies, share experiences and have a drink of cold water. The outdoor event is also an opportunity to celebrate this year´s accomplishments in a different setting than the traditional cocktail receptions.

“It is simply an excellent way to celebrate. The promotion of health and well-being is a concern to everyone these days, and it is great to end a year reaching a positive goal you have set for yourself and also a great way to start the new year. My company has a Norwegian DNA and is also very concerned with the health and well-being of its employees”, Thais Villela says.

Biggest in LatAm
The Circuito das Estações event is the biggest of its kind in Latin America with four yearly street runs in several Brazilian cities, taking place for the 13. year in a row this year.



By  Runa Hestmann, NBCC journalist
