Statkraft maintains energy generation and commercialization activities, but with enhanced security


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Statkraft headquarters in Florianópolis.

The company’s focus is to ensure services that reinforce the health and safety of its employees and family members.


In order to preserve the health and well-being of all, Statkraft continuously monitors the global situation of the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Since the first case in Brazil was found, the subsidiary of the Norwegian state-owned company in the country has taken continuous measures to curb the spread of the virus. “The most important task now is to take care of people and reduce the spread of the virus to the maximum. At the same time, we work to ensure stable and safe operations. Ensuring the generation and commercialization of energy is vital for people’s lives, especially during a crisis. Services that we carry out on behalf of the companies in which we operate and the customers we serve, with respect and effectiveness”, highlights the CEO of Statkraft Brasil, Fernando de Lapuerta.

Aware of its important role in providing clean energy (using renewable sources), the company, which currently owns 18 wind and hydroelectric assets in six states of Brazil, adopted a contingency plan to maintain full capacity in the generation of energy in its plants, but with actions that guarantee further safety for all. To contain the risks of contamination, face-to-face meetings were replaced by virtuais meetings and external activities and programs were rescheduled or canceled. The regular maintenance of the plants, however, continues, but only if necessary. In addition, the movement of employees between Statkraft plants is restricted to local professionals only.


Much of the assets operation is performed remotely. As explained by the Director of Operation and Maintenance at Statkraft Brasil, Vito Mandilovich, there are five specialists who are in a shift rotation scheme at the company’s headquarters in Florianópolis. “As a preventive measure, we opted for a work scheme that does not expose our employees and their respective relatives to the coronavirus. Today we have five operators who take turns. The rest work from home and support the team. Those who need to move have a van that makes the round trip, to avoid public transport, subject to crowds”.


The company’s employees who work in the Florianópolis and Rio de Janeiro offices will be working from home until the further notice. The Brazilians who have returned from trips abroad (for work and / or personnel) followed the quarantine recommendation proposed by health authorities (14 days of isolation).


Health and wellness project


Statkraft also adopted measures to ensure the physical and mental health of its employees. The “Juntos na Statkraft” project was launched. The objective is to continue to promote open and transparent communication and integration between teams. Activities range from video classes with exercises that can be done at home, mindfulness and yoga classes with specialized professionals; rounds of conversations on how to overcome isolation, even rounds of online talent from employees themselves with pocket shows. “We never received so many people in our home at the same time (virtually). It was great to be able to share a little bit of our routine with business colleagues and involve my family. We feel very embraced by everyone and with a great injection of affection!”, comments Fernando Cani, the first employee invited to hold a pocket show.


The company created an intranet page where the employee can receive more information on actions taken and the status of the coronavirus in its respective state. A newsletter is issued weekly with information on the situation of the pandemic in Brazil. For those who feel alone, Statkraft still has a contracted service called the Employee Assistance Program (PAE). The employee who is sad or distressed because of isolation or for other reasons, can start the program. Consultations are 100% confidential and private. According to the Director of Asset Management at Statkraft Brasil, Thiago Tomazzoli, “the purpose of “Juntos na Statkraft” actions is to preserve the physical and mental health of employees and at the same time keep them together”.


Source: Statkraft
