Agents of change


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Close to 50 people participated in a webinar that NBCC – Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce organized together with Dream Learn Work this week.

The great turnout demonstrates the importance of keeping Corporate Social Responsibility on the NBCC agenda, and in the webinar on September 24, 2020, we focused on the great value of making recruiting from NGO´s like Dream Learn Work a part of your company´s CSR strategy.

Dream Learn Work is a Norwegian NGO founded in 2006 to offer young Brazilians from less developed areas a chance for a better future through education, and also contributing to corporate recruitment needs for qualified personnel. More than 1000 students have attended DLW courses since 2006.

Offering opportunities  through programs like Young Apprentice or internships can actually change lives, something that the DLW trainees Leandro de AssisKarol Pontes and Alecsander Dias showed in their testimonials to the event.

Inspiring stories

Leandro de Assis (23), a trainee at DNV GL who started as a young apprentice, recently became a father and is now studying accounting. Alecsander Dias is a trainee at Kongsberg Maritime, and always trying to learn something new. Learning English is on top of his list of priorities. We also heard from Karol Pontes, former waitress, now university student who redefined her idea of a dream career after taking courses and securing an internship in Subsea 7 last year.

Jeanette Lorvik Camargo, General Manager of Dream Learn Work, presented the NGO and how she and her colleagues work to the webinar.

Access her presentation to the webinar here.

NBCC president José Elias gave the opening remarks to the webinar, and moderator of the event was Maurício Tanabe, coordinator of NBCC´s HR committee and partner at CMA Law.

Make a difference, you too!

The agenda also featured presentations from Geir-Erik Valo Nilsen, Managing Director of Kongsberg Maritime in Brazil, Mariana Mendes, HR manager at DNV GL and Mariana do Rego Barros, HR director at Kincaid.

Kongsberg Maritime is one of the founding companies of DreamLearnWork.

“Dream Learn Work is an NGO that really makes a difference, and we would encourage other companies to give DLW students a chance”, they said.



The webinar was recorded and is available to NBCC associates. Contact us at
