A Historic Milestone for NBCC: Cristiane de Lamare and Larissa Sigiliano elected President and Vice-President


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In a signifcant stride towards gender equality and inclusive leadership, the NorwegianBrazilian Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) has made history by electing Cristiane de Lamare as its new President, accompanied by Larissa
Sigiliano as Vice-President. This groundbreaking moment marks the frst time in NBCC illustrious history that two women have occupied the prestigious positions of President and Vice-President concurrently, setting a remarkable precedent for the organization.
Cristiane de Lamare, with a stellar academic and professional background, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her new role as President of NBCC. Holding a degree in economics from Cândido Mendes/Ipanema, a postgraduate degree in Financial Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas/RJ, and an MBA in Finance, Auditing, and Controlling from Fundação Getúlio Vargas/SP, Cristiane has a proven track record of success. She
started working with prominent North American multinationals, such as Pepsico & Cia and Heidrick & Struggles, before joining Kongsberg Brasil as Financial Manager in 2009. In 2021, she was nominated Country Manager of Kongsberg Brasil, and was elected President of NBCC in April 2023.

Cristiane de Lamare, New NBCC President

In expressing her gratitude for the opportunity, Cristiane stated: “I could not be more honored to have been elected President of NBCC. I will endeavor all my efforts to engage people and continue the excellent work of past Presidents to help organize interesting events and implement fruitful actions. The main purpose of the entity is to promote businesses and cooperation between Brazil and Norway. I will utilize the best qualities I have acquired as a woman in my professional path, including good communication, courage, and generosity, to implement a very participative




Larissa Sigiliano, with more than 16 years of experience in the Brazilian O&G business industry, has played a pivotal role in vessel chartering, specializing in drilling rigs and FPSOs. Currently serving General Manager of BW Offshore in Brazil, Larissa brings a wealth of expertise to her new role.

Her academic qualifcations include a graduation in Civil Engineering from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/MG and a Petroleum Engineering degree from PUC-RJ. Moreover, she holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Universidade do Porto/Portugal, along with MBAs in Projects Management from IBMEC and Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral.

Larissa Sigiliano, New NBCC Vice-president


Larissa enthusiastically expressed: “It’s a great responsibility and honor to be part of the NBCC leadership. I hope to be able to contribute to the continuous evolving process of the chamber. As part of the frst 100% woman party, I am confdent that we will write an important chapter in NBCC’s successful history, showcasing women’s recognized
leadership skills such as empathy and resilience.”



With the dynamic duo of Cristiane de Lamare and Larissa Sigiliano at the helm, NBCC enters a new era of progress and collaboration. The chamber is confdent that their combined expertise, unwavering dedication, and passion for strengthening the ties between Brazil and Norway will pave the way for continued success.

The election of Cristiane de Lamare and Larissa Sigiliano as President and Vice-President of NBCC is a testament to the organization’s commitment to gender equality and inclusion, and a recognition of exceptional talent in its leadership positions. It sends a powerful message of empowerment and gender equality, inspiring future generations of leaders to break barriers


