Deputy Minister Opened Bacalhau Webinar


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Norway´s Deputy Minister of Fisheries Trine Danielsen and her Brazilian colleague, Secretary Jorge Seif highlighted the solid bilateral relations between our two countries in the opening session of the 4th edition of the webinar Bacalhau da Noruega.


The webinar took place on October 27, 2020, and featured presentations on the Brazilian bacalhau market and how covid-19 has hit this market, by Director Oystein Valanes of the Norwegian Seafood Council in Brazil and by renowned journalist Carlos Alberto Sardenberg.

In the opening session, Deputy Minister Trine Danielsen focused on fish as a healthy and sustainable alternative in a world where the need for food is increasing.

“The world will need more seafood in the future, and Norway will continue to contribute to a positive, fair and sustainable development of the sector”, she said.

“The Norwegian aquaculture and fisheries sector is an inspiration to Brazil. Bacalhau is something we have to import from you, but Brazil, with its coastline and rivers has a big potential to produce more fish. This is a priority to the current government”, Secretary Seif said.

Oystein Valanes presented numbers that show that Brazil, so far this year, has bought 48 percent less bacalhau (Gadus morhua) than in 2019. The Dominican Republic is now a bigger market for Norwegian dried, salt fish than Brazil. On a global basis, Norwegian exports of this product has fallen 11 percent in value and 14 percent in volume.

Social distancing and restrictions imposed due to the covid 19 pandemic are obvious reasons for this.

Carlos Alberto Sardenberg talked about the expected recovery of the Brazilian economy, with low interest rates and low inflation in the years to come.

ANVISA also participated in the event, and the closing remarks were provided by Consul General Marianne Fosland.


The webinar was recorded and is available on this website

