Forces that will shape the O&G industry


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With an impressive line-up of speakers, NBCC´s new Tech&Trends committee organized its first webinar on October 8, 2020.

The new committee is NBCC´s 6th working committee, and it is coordinated by Daniel M.. Carocha, partner at Leap (KPMG&Distrito), Anderson Lima, Head of Digital at Equinor, and Marianne Jensen, Science and technology counsellor at Innovation Norway South America;


Pseudo normal
The first event of the committee, that took place on October 8, featured keynote speakers Sergei Beserra, business director, oil and gas, of Gartner and Ana Hofmann, Digital Transformation Partnership Lead of Microsoft

Gartner is is a global research and advisory firm providing information, advice, and tools for executives around the world, while Microsoft probably does not need any further introduction.

The speakers shared their views on the technologies of the future and forces that will be shaping the O&G industry the next years, and focused on the impact that the “next normal” or the “pseudo normal” has on technology and innovation, and how it seems that expectations are higher now after months under restrictions caused by the covid-19 pandemic..

“Same, but still different”, in the view of the speakers. Two transforming forces are currently shaping the future of the oil, gas and energy industry, Mr. Beserra said. These forces are digitalization and energy transition.

“There can be no energy transition without digital transformation”, Mr. Beserra said. He also argued that Brazil needs a more aggressive approach to the global energy transition, and Ms Hofmann suggest Brazilian stakeholders should even look to Norway in the process.


Dual challenge
Ms. Ana Hofmann also focused on the dual challenges that the O&G industry is facing as companies need to deliver from operations and at the same time infuse sustainability principles into these operations.


The event was recorded and the recording is available to NBCC associates. Contact us at Interested in joining NBCC? Send an email to


