New CEO of NSA


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Photo courtesy of NSA.

Harald Solberg (41) is the new CEO of Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA) from January 1, 2018.

In Brazil, NSA is represented by ABRAN, the only international wing of the Norwegian Shipowners´Association.

«It is important for me to work with our members and all other actors in the maritime cluster to ensure that the maritime industry in Norway is overcoming difficult times», says Harald Solberg.

«Norwegian shipping companies and the maritime industry are a key part of the solution to the opportunities and challenges ahead. Shipping represents a very important part of Norwegian business life that creates jobs and great values throughout the coast, while operating in tough global competition», the new NSA executive says.

Harald Solberg replaces Sturla Henriksen (61).

«After almost ten years in this position it is natural that somebody else takes the organization further», says Sturla Henriksen. «I have had a good dialogue with the board over the last year and it has been important for both the board and I that we have had a tidy and structured process to find my successor. I am very pleased that Harald Solberg has accepted this position. We have previously been colleagues for several years. He is a skilled and great person, and I am convinced he will do a first-class job.»

Harald Solberg was from 2014 to 2016 director of national and international politics and deputy CEO of NSA, and for the past year he has been at the Royal Secretariat at the Royal House of Norway.

«I am looking forward to addressing exciting challenges in the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association. The shipping companies make up a strong driving force in this cluster. In the years to come, the resources in the ocean will be a key contribution to addressing some of the major challenges in the world related to energy, food production and transportation of goods in an environmentally friendly way. The framework conditions for the industry will be crucial to ensure good and healthy competitive power. Throughout the last years, the efforts of Sturla Henriksen have been very important for positioning the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association in a positive way, both nationally and internationally. It is with great humility that I am taking over.»

The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association is a trade and employment organization for Norwegian controlled companies within the shipping and offshore industry. The primary fields are national and international industry policies, employer issues, competence and recruitment, environmental issues and innovation in addition to safety at sea. The members are the core and driving force in the Norwegian maritime cluster. NSA’s members employ over 55,000 seafarers and offshore workers from more than 50 different nations.

«In the years to come, the resources in the ocean will be a key contribution to addressing some of the major challenges in the world related to energy, food production and transportation of goods in an environmentally friendly way. The framework conditions for the industry will be crucial to ensure good and healthy competitive power», Mr. Solberg says.



