Nordic countries sign agreement to promote integrity and transparency


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Brazil’s Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, was present when a partnership to promote integrity and transparency was formalized in Brasilia on April 24, 2019.

The protocol formalizing the partnership between Transparency International and the Embassies of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland as well as the Chambers of Commerce of the respective countries, was signed in a ceremony in the Brazilian capital.

Representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of the Nordic countries, parliamentarians of the Anti-Corruption Front and representatives of the working group on anticrime and anticorruption measures of the National Congress also attended the ceremony.

The partnership seeks to unite international cooperation efforts with civil society, corporations, and federal and state governments in tackling corruption. Initial actions will focus on three fronts:
– promotion of integrity in the public sector at the state level, including support for digital government technology solutions and open data;
– encouraging the adoption of compliance systems in the private sector and self-regulation solutions, such as the Integrity Pacts; and
– production of anti-corruption knowledge with research and teaching and citizen participation in the social control of corruption.

The document was signed by Bruno Brandão, Executive director of TI in Brazil, by Mr. Nicolai Prytz of Denmark, Mr. Jouko Leinonen of Finland, Mr. Nils Martin Gunneng of Norway and Mr. Per-Arne Hjelmborn of Sweden.

“Scandinavians are traditionally among the least corrupt countries in the world. It does not mean that countries are completely free from corruption and that their models can simply be copied. But they do serve as inspiration for how less corrupt countries can be more prosperous, socially just, and democratic”, says”, Bruno Brandão, Director of Transparency International – Brazil.

According to the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2018, Denmark is considered the least corrupt country in the world. Finland and Sweden are ranged 3rd and Norway 7th. The index is based on opinion polls conducted among executives and experts. The index is the most comprehensive tool for measuring corruption in the world.
