NORDIC LIGHT: Post-pandemic reopening will require a prepared society


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Diana Quintas is partner at Fragomen in Brazil. Diogo Kloper is a Senior Immigration Manager at Fragomen in Rio de Janeiro.

The coronavirus pandemic and the necessary social isolation have had a series of consequences on the economy and on international mobility. Borders were closed, almost completely paralyzing the entry of foreigners into the countries. In Brazil, it was no different.

Since the end of March, air, maritime and land borders have gradually been closed to tourism and a large part of business.  However, this movement was not unrestricted, and some necessary exceptions was maintained.

Foreigners who have any type of residence in the country and who already have been registered with the Federal Police in Brazil, either through a work visa, residency by Agreement, or those with a family reunion visa, could continue to come to the country. Also professionals who serves the public interest, making proof they perform activities considered essential for the country, were also authorized.

On June 30th,the government published new rules. Foreign tourists are still forbidden to enter in Brazil, while business and work trips are possible through air and certain airports, provided the traveller has negative covid test.

It is not possible, in the time of writing this article, to know until when total social isolation will remain in Brazil and in other parts of the planet. But there is already the beginning of the readjustment of measures in China, which began to recover with the results of the pandemic control and the resumption of the economy, even timid. Other countries strongly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, such as Italy and Spain, are also beginning the movement to reduce isolation.

The article is among the contributions from NBCC members in the latest issue of Nordic Light.

It is a fact that the containment of the pandemic means that, sooner or later, each country will reopen its trade, services and industry. So, even without being able to predict deadlines or how this process will be, it is important to be prepared for it. The reopening requires strong and decisive action from everyone.

The borders will also be gradually released and the globalized model of coexistence that will occur with the large circulation of people will return to normal. It is necessary that companies, institutions and people can carry out this reform in the best possible way, from both economic and legal point of view.

Even though a pandemic has brought opportunities to rethink forms of work, habits and values, it is also sure that, in extreme situations like we are living, the role of global mobility is central and essential for the economies. We wish to take advantage of these changes to continue working for a more promising future for the whole planet.


By Diana Quintas and Diogo Kloper, Fragomen

