A woman´s place is wherever she wants


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In the end of March, NBCC and Team Norway in Brazil had the pleasure of promoting a true marathon of events to celebrate the international women´s month.


The events featured strong, intelligent, successful women who are standing out in their fields, like Marie Louise Sunde, who was interviewed by Pilar Neves, Project Manager, Innovation Norway, in the kick-off on March 26, 2021. The following four days, Team Norway Brasil hosted seven other events!

Read more about Marie Louise Sunde and her project Equality Check.


Did you miss these fantastic events? Contact NBCC (by email communication@nbcc.com.br) for access to the recordings, or have a sneak peek below:

Lugar da mulher é no agronegócio 29/03 2021

Lugar da mulher é no plataforma de petróleo 31/3/2021

A total of 340 people attended the series of events.

Diversity and inclusion is not a question for the HR departments of the companies – it is something that the leadership of the company needs to put on the agenda, said Aline Veloso, Lucied Marques and Flavia Porto, all representing Yara, in a roundtable discussion on March 29, 2021..

Only 13 percent of all CEOs in Brazil are women, and we had the pleasure of receiving two of them, Veronica Coelho from Equinor and Cristiane Delamare from Kongsberg. They shared various insights and shared valuable advice with the audience of almost 60 people.

“As a woman and a leader you face challenges every day, and the greatest challenge is never to give up. But it is fully possible to combine career and motherhood. You don´t need to be a superwoman, neither to know everything.  You need to know what you want and don´t be shy when establishing your ambitions”, Veronica Coelho said.

The last event during 4 busy days was a webinar featuring women in male-dominated working environments. This event was organized together with Dream Learn Work and Wista Brasil.

Lawyer Camila Mendes Vianna Cardoso started the event by sharing numbers that show that in the oil and gas industry, only 15 percent of the workforce is female. According to IMO, only 2 percent of all seafarers are women.

Roberta Rodrigues works as a Loss Adjuster MSC and is also a member of Wista Brasil. She has many years of experience from working offshore. Wardrobe facilities and toilets for women are examples of simple things that might cause problems offshore.

“Life offshore is not easy, and women still need to prove themselves to gain respect, but when you do, it is very rewarding”, she said.

Yasmin Moraes is a mechanical technician on offshore installations of Aker Solutions.

“We do more and work harder, and prejudice does exist”, she said.

Karol Pontes, a DLW student who is now in university, was also on the panel during this event.

“I am so grateful to be here, and in the future, I want to be like you, making demands on behalf of us women”, she said.


