

NORDIC LIGHT: Subsea recovery on the horizon

The success of the most recent oil auctions has reinforced Brazil´s position as one of the main players for E&P investments, with...

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By 2050, more than 80% of the world’s energy will be generated from renewable sources

According to data from Statkraft’s Low Emissions Scenario 2020, even in face of the pandemic, the renewable energy segment kept on...

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NBCC creates Diversity Committee

The Diversity committee is the 3rd new committee created in 2020, a year marked by social distancing and other restrictions. Since March,...

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Norway´s Minister of Energy opens VIII November Conference

Norway´s Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru was one of the keynote speakers in the plenary session of the VIII November Conference...

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KPMG CEO Outlook: ESG will remain a post-pandemic priority

According to the CEO Outlook 2020 survey conducted by KPMG, 71 percent of CEOs in the Nordic countries state that they will consolidate...

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Deputy Minister Opened Bacalhau Webinar

Norway´s Deputy Minister of Fisheries Trine Danielsen and her Brazilian colleague, Secretary Jorge Seif highlighted the solid bilateral...

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Brazil ranked third most attractive market for clean energy investments

The Brazilian Nordic New Energy Investment Forum, organized by APEX and Innovation Norway on October 22, addressed investments...

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Large wind project to double renewable energy capacity in Brazil

Statkraft is ready to start construction of its Ventos de Santa Eugenia wind project in northeastern Brazil, after closing a turbine supply...

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Forces that will shape the O&G industry

With an impressive line-up of speakers, NBCC´s new Tech&Trends committee organized its first webinar on October 8, 2020. The new...

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Business management consultancy shows its value during pandemic

Integrated analysis of accounting, tax, labor and financial areas shows paths and opportunities.   By Luiz Flávio Cordeiro, Domingues...

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