DLW Class of 2019 bigger than ever


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113 students graduated from different courses provided by the Norwegian NGO Dream Learn Work in 2019.

With the high number of students completing different courses, DLW surpassed the goals set for 2019, and the conclusion rate for the students is now impressively 97 percent. More than 1000 students have attended DLW courses since the foundation of the NGO in 2006.

PASSED THE TEST: The graduation speech was the Consul General´s first speech ever in Portuguese.

It was Norwegian Consul General Marianne Fosland who gave the graduation address to the students during the ceremony on January 30, 2020.

“I admire your strength and efforts. Knowledge is extremely valuable, and also something that never can be taken away from you. It´s yours forever. You are the future of Brazil and you are transforming both Brazil and your own lives. This is your day and your are proof that it is possible to transform dreams into a future”, Marianne Fosland said.


Several students shared their experiences with the guests at the event. The graduation ceremony took place in the offices of law firm Kincaid. Like NBCC, Kincaid is a partner of Dream Learn Work, and NBCC president Alexandre Imperial is on the board of DLW. The NGO works closely with other NGOs like Karanba, Bola pra Frente, Abrigo, Projeto Grael e Luta Pela Paz, where students are recruited.


Yasmim Nogueira started out as a football player in Karanba. In December she graduated university as a mechanical engineer. Hugo Paz managed to complete his English course with the help of DLW, Leonardo Rodrigues is now a naval engineering student while Marcele Gonçalves da Silva dreams of becoming a successful businesswomen.

AIMING HIGHER: Yasmim is also one of the project coordinators at DLW.

“You are a great example to the whole world and what you have accomplished, is fantastic. This year´s results show that we have found a way that works, and I would like to thank you all for the efforts you have put into this”, DLW president Halvard Idland said in his address to the students.


Dream Learn Work was founded by six Norwegian companies with the hope of addressing the lack of skilled labour in Brazil, and at the same time create social impact and changing young lives.
