Great turnout at NBCC family event


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The traditional NBCC Year-End event took place on December 8, 2013, in the same pleasant surroundings as earlier years in Alto do Joá.

Creating venues for networking is an important part of what the Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of commerce was founded to provide for the members, and the idea is to give the members a chance to get together with their families, friends and co-workers in a relaxed and social environment during the Year-End event.

More than 100 people found their way to Joá this Sunday afternoon, where they enjoyed a traditional Brazilian churrasco with Norwegian Christmas treats for dessert.

To the left: NBCC vice president Halvard Idland and his girlfriend Flavia (to the left) and NBCC board member Tommy Bjørnsen with his wife Karin Stangeland and colleague Bjørn Gunnar.

The vice president of the NBCC, Mr. Halvard Idland, represented the NBCC board at the event.

“The NBCC really appreciates your presence here today. During the week we all focus on work, and in the weekends, when we have time for our families, we spend less time together with colleagues and acquaintances from the Norwegian-Brazilian community. Unlike what happens at most NBCC events, during this family celebration, we are not focusing on business. This is an opportunity to gather family and friends, have the children play together and create stronger ties. Christmas is coming up, and Christmas is all about family”, he said.

Slow down
According to Mr. Idland, the NBCC have had some challenges to deal with the past year.

“The oil and gas sector has been slower than previous years, and for the first time in years, we have had some doubts if the chamber would keep growing. This is however something that keeps us on our toes, and helps us keep our priorities straight. The NBCC wants to constantly improve our services for our members”, he says.

This is something that executive manager Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres also emphasizes when she talks about the year to come.

“I would like to initiate the process of making the chamber more professional. This way, I hope we are able to attract new members, not only Norwegian companies, but also Brazilian companies with connection to Norway. We need to host events that are interesting to the members, and create commissions or work groups on subjects of interest. The members need to feel that they participate and belong to the chamber”, she says.

To Halvard Idland, the Norway Day event with Joao Ferraz, CEO of Sete Brasil and the Engevix event in August, were among the highlights of last year.

“The Sete Brasil rig program is extremely important to a lot of Norwegian suppliers. The event with the Engevix management is an example of something we are going to see more of. We would like to invite local companies to present themselves and at the same time get more acquainted with the Norwegian business community and companies. This is something that goes both ways, and we get to know these companies better.”

Another important happening this year is the fact that Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres entered the chamber as the new executive chamber.

“We have been planning for quite some time to increase the standards and services offered and make the chamber more professional, and we have great expectations for 2014, the first year with Glorisabel in place,” Mr. Idland said.

The venue also offers tree top hiking to the more adventurous guests, and two groups participated in the hiking. There were plenty of activities for the children present, but the inflatable slide was a highlight of the party for the youngest guests.

A lot of children found their way to the pool, and the organizers of the event were constantly inventing games for the children to play. The youngest participant of the event was only 3 weeks old, and little Mila spent most of the party sleeping.

To the left: Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres and the local Intsok adviser in Brazil, Adhemar Freire.

“This Christmas party is beautiful, and it is very nice to meet the members in such informal surroundings, where we have a chance to interact and get to know each other and our families as well”, Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres says.

To see more photos from the event, click here.

By Runa Hestmann Tierno, NBCC journalist
