Responsible business conduct should not be regarded as an obligation but rather something that will give your company competitive advantages in the new normal.
Almost 70 people participated in a webinar organized by NBCC and Swedcham on August 12, 2020, where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was addressed. CSR is defined as a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.
As important as CSR is for the community, it is equally valuable for a company. CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employees and corporations; boost morale; and help both employees and employers feel more connected with the world around them.
During the August 12 event, Ana Pais (Yara), Cristiane Silva (Statkraft), Ciro Reis (Imagem Corporativa) – all NBCC associates – were on the list of high-level speakers, together with Giane Camargo from Swedish SKF and Peter Munch, representing the Norwegian NGO Children at Risk Foundation.
Camilla Høgberg-Hoe, Deputy Head of Mission at the Norwegian Embassy in Brasília opened the event:
“While we in Norway today talk more about responsible business conduct (RBC) than CSR, Norwegian authorities have clear expectations to Norwegian companies both at home and abroad. To do “whatever you can”, is not enough. You need to act responsibly and to commit. And the Covid-19 pandemic is no excuse for lowering the ambitions”, she said in her opening remarks to the event.
Head of Corporate Communication at Yara, Ana Pais, talked about the donations made and initiatives to support small producers under the Covid 19 pandemic. A total of 5 million reais were destined to such initiatives. Yara has production facilities in 65 locations all around the country.
“Acting responsibly is part of our mission at Yara”, she said.
Cristiane Santana Silva, Sustainability manager at Statkraft, focused on how compensatory actions to mitigate impact adds value and becomes an opportunity for a company like Statkraft, to operate while strengthening the relations with the local community.
“The local people need to see that we are not only here to profit, but also to build bridges and create synergies that they will benefit from”, Cristiane Santana Silva said.
The Children at Risk Foundation is a Norwegian foundation that focuses on children and adolescents’ lives in areas of São Paulo with great poverty and drugs, lacking in public services within health and education as well as basic urban infrastructure.
In his presentation, Peter Munck outlined the many fiscal incentives available for companies who support NGO´s and charitable work.
“I don´t know any country that offers as many fiscal incentives as Brazil”, he said.
Ciro Reis, director of PR agency Imagem Corporativa, sees the pandemic as an opportunity for companies to rethink their actions and reset their mindset. CSR should not be done for marketing purposes alone.
“Companies need an approach that integrates CSR, climate change, everything. This is something they will benefit from, by gaining more loyal clients for instance.”
The event was recorded and is available to NBCC members. Contact us at