Maritime Day on Ship Intelligence


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Women’s International Shipping & Trading association – Wista Brazil – hosted its first Maritime Day on Ship Intelligence at Sofitel Ipanema on 26 June 2018 with workshops, debates, talks, photo contest, scholarship programme reports, campaigns and cocktail.

In addition to the attendance of the Wista Members from Brazil, consisting of professionals from various sectors of the maritime cluster such as seafarers, shipowners, maritime lawyers, reinsurance brokers, ship agents, ship brokers, traders, flag state, classification Societies, marine reinsurers, P&I Clubs, P&I Correspondents, technologic companies, chamber of Commerce, port operators, environmental experts, marine claims adjusters, consultants and entrepreneurs, the event was also attended by the Maritime Authorities, the Insurance and Reinsurance regulators, individual attendees and the Wista International President, Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou, Wista USA and Wista International Exco Jeanne Grasso and Wista Norway board member Birgit Liodden.

The morning sessions of the event consisted of workshops facilitated by Gisele Mangifeste (Coastwise Captain), Leven Siano (Siano & Martins), Fernanda Mattos (FMaster) and Marcela Goncalves (Blockchain Brasil), aimed at sharing knowledge with the maritime cluster and serving as a primer for the main conference in the afternoon.

Fabiana Martins, president of WISTA Brazil kicked off the conference and moderated the first panel on Autonomous Vessels (MASS) which counted with a broadcast interactive section amongst Admiral Fred Kenney, Director, Legal and External Affairs at IMO, the panelists, Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou, CEO Tototheo Maritime, Pedro Dias, Senior Sales Manager, Kongsberg Maritime, following the video presentation of the Yara Birkeland Autonomous Vessel project and intense participation of the audience.

At the second panel Gabriela Heckler (Itaqui Port), Ingrid Zanella (SUAPE), Flavia Maya (LOG-IN) and Tessa Major (Açu Port) had engaging discussions on the challenges and opportunities of the Port sector in Brazil and how these challenges push ports to become smart.

The 3rd panel started with a 10-minute session of the cyber security awareness video produced by DNV GL and GARD. The video paved way for the discussions amongst the panelists Jonas Mattos (DNV GL), Kedma Fonseca (AON Benfield) and Natalie Hurtado (SUSEP) moderated by Flavia Maia (Gard M&E) on how the marine market is being disrupted with more technology onboard, autonomous vessels and ultimately unmanned vessels and the benefits of blockchain generating efficiency, transparency.

During the 4th and last panel, Fabiana Martins and Flavia Maia co-facilitaded the discussions amongst the panelists Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou, Jeanne Grassco (Blank Rome) Nilton Mattos (Mattos Filho), Ricardo Cesar Fernandes (ABRAN),  who shared their views of the challenges and opportunities of the maritime cluster in Brazil, Cyprus, Norway and the USA.

Formed in 1974, the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association is a global organization connecting female executives and decision makers around the world. WISTA International serves as a connector for its network of more than 3,000 female professionals from all sectors of the maritime industry.

Today, WISTA is present in 40+ countries with 3000+ professionals and with 80+ members since its establishment in July 2016, Brazil support a National WISTA Association (WNA), which in turn is a member of and is guided by WISTA International. NWAs provide in-country and regional networking, business and skill building opportunities, corporate visibility, and also facilitate relationships within the industry.

On a global scale, WISTA members have access to an incredibly diverse network of executives in the shipping and trading field on whom they can call for referrals, connections, advice or business collaborations.

Source: WISTA
