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NBCC supports matchfunding initiative


The aim is to reach 100 million reais in donations to support actions against covid-19 in Brazil.

By the end of May, almost 12 million reais has been donated and the first round of purchase with the donations will focus on surgical and N95 masks, hand sanitizer, surgical gloves and scrubs to philanthropic hospitals all over the country.

The equipment will benefit both frontline workers and patients at CMB hospitals all over Brazil. This hospital chain represents more than 50 percent of the public hospitals in the country, and it is CMB who is responsible for indicating the most urgent demands and guiding the best use of the raised funds

The campaign named Salvando Vidas (Saving lives) is coordinated by the Brazilian Development Bank BNDES, and each real invested will be doubled by BNDES until R$ 100 million is reached.

According to the campaign website, R$ 100 million will enable the hospitals to supply the demand of more than a thousand hospitals in all regions of Brazil for two  months, a precious time to wait for the market to stabilize in the face of supply and demand current issues. The website has a section in English if you scroll down the page.

Here you find a PDF-presentation of the campaign.

Among the amount raised so far, a significant amount was donated by companies that believe in the project, even before it came to life. Banco ABC, Klabin, Linx and Lorinvest each contributing with R$ 1 million to the campaign.

This is the largest crowdfunding in Brazil, for the largest problem that Brazil has ever faced. It is a complex problem with many lines of action.


See video on Youtube here.

Team Norway in Brazil, which NBCC is a part of, supports this initiative.

About Team Norway in Brazil:

Team Norway is a network of stakeholders, both public and private, working to promote Norwegian business interests

The objective of the cooperation in Brazil is to contribute to the creation of value for the economies of our two countries through the exchange of information and the coordination of efforts and initiatives.

In Brazil, this network comprises: Royal Norwegian Embassy, ​​Royal Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro, Innovation Norway, Norwegian Research Council, Export Credit, Norwegian Energy Partners – NORWEP, Brazilian Association of Norwegian Shipowners – ABRAN, and Norwegian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce – NBCC.

