New year, new name


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For the last 20 years INTSOK has promoted Norwegian oil and gas industry internationally. The international volume has increased from 16 billions Norwegian kroners in 1997 to more than 190 billions Norwegian kroners in 2015.

How much credit can INTSOK take for this? It is hard to measure.

An evaluation made by a neutral party, Menon Economics, says that INTSOK has contributed a great deal to this development: In 2012Menon Economics did a survey towards INSOKs partners.

The survey concluded that this was one area the government received value for money was through their INTSOK funding.

Menon Economics encouraged the government to increase the INTSOK funding and recommended INTSOK to extend its area of responsibility.

And now it is a reality.

Earlier this year the Ministry of oil and energy encouraged INTSOK and INTPOW to join forces to work for the same mission within both industries oil and gas and renewables.

After a long and comprehensive process, INTSOK and INTPOW agreed to join forces as Norwegian Energy Partners from January 1, 2017

Norwegian Energy Partners will be established to promote suppliers and service providers within the entire energy segment of the industry.

We see that around 150 of INTSOK’s partners today have technology and competence within the extended energy industry.

The export within renewable is today approximately NOK 9 billions. With a dedicated approach building on INTSOK’s experience from the oil and gas industry, we think there is a potential to double this.

INTSOK has a great market competence and international experience within oil and gas market segment.

The challenge for 2017 will be to utilize and develop this competence to also include the renewable areas.

We have always claimed that the competence and technology our partners represent to a larges extent is industry independent, which means we now should be able to capitalize on the 20 years of experience.

We are really looking forward to take on this challenge. As a matter of fact we have already started. Partners within the renewable area have discussed with contacts in our network both in Israel and Iran to look for opportunities.

The oil and gas supplier industry might also learn from the renewable area within production line, standardizing, recurring operations, and documentation requirements. The renewable industry is used to operate with very low margins, and has worked hard to lower cost and be profitable without subsidies. Industries like this will remain sustainable and economical in the long run.

2017 will be an exiting year. Today, INTSOK has an extensive service to our partners within the oil and gas segment.

Norwegian Energy Partners will still have our main focus on oil and gas and will of course deliver to you as promised.

We also check out what other possibilities you as a partner see as interesting within our extended responsibility. The new organization will also offer an increased service to INTPOW’s partners. Norwegian Energy Partners’ ambition is that 1+1 equals 3 so we in some years ahead will have a growing and sustainable energy industry where we can utilize the competence and experience from both segments for the best for Norway and our clients

Recently we had a meeting with the Egyptian government and their need for increased energy resources through gas, coal mining and/or renewables. We can try to influence and visualize Norwegian superb competence and positive contribution within gas and renewables and hopefully push their coal mining projects further down their priority list.

There is no doubt that the suppliers industry within the renewable area have their challenges, they do not have the size and strength like the suppliers within the oil and gas supplier. It might be smart to look for other industry segments where their technology is transferable to be more sustainable.

This is one of the reasons the establishment of Norwegian Energy Partners is important and correct for Norway and Norwegian industry. We are looking forward 2017 and hope even more partners will join us.

