NORDIC LIGHT: Construction of a wind farm foresees the hiring of 750 professionals


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The job openings are at the Wind Complex of Ventos de Santa Eugênia, a project under construction by Statkraft Brazil.


With an estimated investment of R$ 2.5 billion, the construction of the windfarm is scheduled to be completed by 2023, and the project should generate the equivalent of 2.3 TWh of renewable energy per year, enough to supply 1.17 million Brazilian homes.


Statkraft Brazil has already started the construction of the Ventos de Santa Eugênia Wind Complex, located in Uibaí, Bahia state (BA), in the country’s Northeast Region, and since the beginning of the work, more than 200 professionals have been hired.

The expectation is that approximately 750 people will be hired during the entire construction process.

Statkraft´s operating strategy in Brazil is to triple the capacity for renewable energy generation by 2025. According to data from the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), wind energy is the second most used source in Brazil, and accounts for only 9.1 percent.


With the construction of the project, Statkraft reinforces its commitment to sustainability, and allows future generations to enjoy the growth and development of the region. With this, the company will expand the offer of renewable energy to Brazil, contributing to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide (CO²) in the country and the pace of global warming, since wind energy has less environmental impact than traditional matrices.



Seta is responsible for the staff hiring and training during the wind farm construction period, prioritizing local professionals in the region. The company operates in the heavy civil industry and focuses on the execution of works and earthworks in hydroelectric, solar and wind power generation projects, among other works.


“In addition to contributing to the environment preservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Statkraft prioritizes the socioeconomic development of the regions that will receive the wind projects. This benefit occurs through the hiring of the local community professionals, and the development of social projects to strengthen and instruct the community involved”, says the Business Development Director in Brazil, Paula Suanno.



Statkraft is an international leader in hydropower, being considered the largest generator of renewable energy in Europe. Statkraft has 4,500 employees in 17 countries and in Brazil, the group controls 18 renewable generation assets, with approximately 450 MW of installed power.


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The project comprises 10 wind farms, with a total of 91 turbines and will more than double the installed capacity in the country, reaching 967 MW.


The article was published in Nordic Light 1-2021
