Norskan Offshore ranked first in Petrobras excellence program


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The DOF Brasil company scored 95.87 percent in PEOTRAM, what awarded it the first place in the ranking.

Annually, Petrobras evaluates its suppliers from the maritime and aeronautical sections, in order to keep a standard of quality and safety. This program is called PEOTRAM. In the 2013 cycle, a score of 95.87 percent awarded Norskan Offshore the first place in the rank. DOF Brasil was the best out of 51 offshore maritime companies that supply Petrobras operations.

The program is significant for several reasons. First, because it offers a competitive advantage scale for those who accomplish good results (2 percent of advantage in daily-rates for future bids).

It is also a strategic tool, an open client-relationship-marketing with Petrobras.

«To be at the top of the rank is an opportunity to strengthen our brand in the Brazilian offshore market, a way to ratify our talent retention and motivation policy and, finally a showcase window for future employees, partners and investors», Moisés Haddad, DOF HSEQ Vice President in the Brazilian region, says.

«It is a big responsibility to be number one. We are reference of excellence, but we cannot take this position for granted. We must always focus on the global, international market, in search for new methods, ways of working, new ideas etc. And we must always try to create an attractive and motivating working environment at DOF Brasil», Mr Haddad says

PEOTRAM is at its seven annual cycle. Norskan Offshore has a score average of 91.25 percent.

These evaluations are conducted through audits, executed by classified companies. In the offshore section, one vessel out of a group of approximately ten is selected to be check-listed by more than 400 questions, divided into 13 groups: Leadership and Responsibility; Legal Conformity; Risk Assessment; Operations; Maintenance; Changes Management; Assets and Services Acquirement; Training; Awareness and Competence; Information Management; Communications; Contingency; Incidents and Accidents Assessment; Non-Conformities Treatment and Continuous Improvement Process.

Source: DOF Brasil
