“You have my full dedication”


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The new executive manager of NBCC has finally been chosen, and Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres is already in place in the offices of the NBCC in the Rio Sul business tower. She started in the beginning of November, and used the first days to get to know the chamber inside and out.

 “I would like to thank the NBCC for this chance and assure you all do everything in my power to fulfill your expectations”, Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres says.“I would like to thank the NBCC for this chance and assure you all do everything in my power to fulfill your expectations”, Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres says.Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres, an international business professional with a broad experience in areas like international business relations, commercial promotion and sales, strategic planning, financial reporting, portfolio supervision and human resources management, is clear on what will be her main priorities these first months in office.

 “I want to give the NBCC the necessary means, depth and breadth, so that the chamber can better perform its duties and have a relevant role in representing and supporting its members. I want to contribute to developing the chamber even further and see it flourish. Another priority to me, is to assist the members and develop a closer relationship with the member companies, with the Norwegian Consulate General, Innovation Norway, as well as with other chambers and relevant political and private commercial institutions in Brazil.”

Impressive CV
She describes herself as resourceful, light-spirited and easy to work with, and has an impressive professional background. Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres is a native of Panama with a bachelor’s degree in business. Before coming to Rio, Glorisabel lived 12 years in Washington D.C. where she retained an MBA, finance major, from the prestigious John Hopkins University. In Washington, she also worked as Portfolio Planning and Reporting Officer at the Inter-American Investment Corporation for several years. The Inter-American Investment Corporation is the private sector arm of the the Inter-American Development Bank Group.

 From 2005 to 2009 she was the Consul General of Panama in Rio de Janeiro. Her responsibilities other than the usual political and diplomatic tasks included supporting shipping companies established in Brazil carrying Panamanian flag. Before joining the NBCC Glorisabel acted as an independent consultant, providing strategic, business and commercial advisory services to Panamanian and Brazilian companies.

She even has experience from other chambers of commerce. In the Brazil-Panama Chamber of Commerce she held a position as Director of Foreign Trade, and she is currently also a director at the Foreign Trade Chambers Federation (FCCE), an association dedicated exclusively to the activities of foreign trade in Brazil, and has been president of the Business Professional Women Association of Rio de Janeiro (BPW RJ).

“My financial and accounting experience will be useful in the NBCC and my experience in multilateral organizations, along with my commercial and diplomatic experience with other chambers of commerce. I have strong relations with the FCCE in Brazil, where I am still a director, and with organizations like Firjan and Fiesp, as well as a solid network of contacts that will be helpful to the chamber”, she says.

Happy people
Glorisabel admits she didn´t know all that much about the Norwegian business community in Brazil before coming to the NBCC, but knows a lot of Norwegians and other Scandinavians personally.

“I know that Norway has relevant experience within fisheries, shipping and oil and gas industries. Financial services is another strong sector, and I know Norwegians as straight forward and happy people”, she says.

Mrs. Garrido Thompson-Flôres is married to a Brazilian businessman, and is fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish. She makes sure that she will be available to all members, Norwegians and Brazilians.

“I´m here and I want to listen to the associates and hope everyone feels able to come and express what they want, in order to make communication within the NBCC more dynamic. You have my full dedication, and I would like to talk to all of you, to know what you expect from me. I am here to represent all of you”, Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres says.

If you would like to contact the new executive manager of NBCC, don´t hesitate to send her an email atgarridoglory@nbcc.com.br

The former manager, Ana Luisa Leite, continues as events coordinator of the NBCC.

By Runa Hestmann Tierno, NBCC journalist
