Update on Covid-19, April 15, 2020


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The outbreak of the corona virus is currently having great impact on both our personal and business lives. These are the actions being implemented by NBCC as a response to the pandemic.

In an effort to reinvent the way we operate, and at the same time, maintain the interaction with members, future events, like the working committee meetings and Platinum/Gold Member forums, will be virtual sessions. Our ambition is to continue the interaction with our members, however without unnecessary exposure.



April 17, 2020: Meeting in the HR working comittee

April 29, 2020: Beyond Covid-19: The oil and gas scenario in Brazil

On our website, we also publish virtual events hosted by our partners and associates.

Both international and the Brazilian markets have changed radically in a matter of weeks, and in these challenging times, NBCC would like to serve as a “platform for exchange of best practices”. We know that there is a lot of expertise and experience within your companies, and a simple exchange of ideas can become game changer.

On April 7, we organized an informal meeting where best practices in times of crisis, were adressed. Virtual happy hours, salary guarantees to emplyees and keeping the employees well-informed at all times were some examples given by participants.

Our board of directors is also working constantly on how NBCC should position itself as a chamber during the crisis.



The Annual General Assembly the way it was originally planned, with a keynote speech and a cocktail reception in the celebration of the 25 yr anniversary of NBCC, was cancelled, and a virtual AGM was held at March 25, 2020. Read more about the AGM here.

NBCC is also cancelling some meetings and events, including our participation in the winter edition of Circuito das Estações on July 12.


The whole NBCC team is practicing home office, contributing to social distancing and consequently to containing the spread of the virus.

But we are available through email and telephone. Don´t hesitate to contact us:

Runa Hestmann, General Manager at runa.hestmann@nbcc.com.br

Lisandra Oliveira, Communication at communication@nbcc.com.br

Graziele Soares, Events at events@nbcc.com.br


To overcome a challenge of this dimension, unlike anything we have ever faced before, NBCC believes we need to think and act differently. Do your part! Stay at home! Stay safe!
