A toast to tighter relations


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A breathtaking fireworks in the Oslo harbor ended Nor-Shipping 2019. Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping.

Social events play an important part of Nor-Shipping, and Brazilians are known to throw great parties. This year was no exception.

Several NBCC associates hosted different social events and receptions during the 27th edition of Nor-Shipping, taking place in Oslo from June 4-7, 2019.

Rachid Felix with his wife, Glorisabel Garrido Thompson-Flôres, former consul Helle Klem and Ricardo Fernandes of Abran.

For the 50 people strong Brazilian delegation, the kick off of the important global maritime event was a cocktail reception at the residence of Brazilian ambassador to Norway, Mr. George Prata.

Both Antaq, the national Brazilian waterway transportation agency, and Brazilian oil company Petrobras were represented in the Brazilian delegation this year.

«Antaq has a mission to participate and give presentations about our work, and it is a pleasure for us to be present here at Nor-Shipping. Social events like tonight´s party provides us all with a more informal surroundings where we can talk, make acquaintances and seek information», says Antaq director Adalberto Tokarski.

Claudio Araújo is the Executive Manager of goods and service supply in Petrobras. He says the many social events contribute to increase the understanding between Petrobras and its suppliers.

«We meet our suppliers in a different setting, and talking to them helps us understand what challenges they are facing, what they need. The information we gather, is very valuable to us», Mr. Araújo explains.

The Petrobras executives were very satisfied with the reception at Nor-Shipping this year.

«I was here in 2015 when my company was going to a very difficult phase. We felt an obligation to return in 2019 to discuss the current scenario and present the possibilities in the market», says Mr. Araujo.


Snapshot from the DNV GL BBQ. Photo courtesy of Nor-Shipping.

On June 4, the traditional Nor-Shipping DNV GL BBQ took place, and NBCC associate Kongsberg hosted happy hours at a downtown Oslo club the whole Nor-shipping week.

NBCC associates at the Vieira Rezende/Wikborg Rein reception.

Also on the agenda was the Nor-Shipping reception organized by law firms Wikborg Rein and Vieira Rezende. The reception took place in the offices of Wikborg Rein in Oslo, with a fantastic view to the Oslo harbor, on June 4, 2019. Drinks and snacks were served. The two companies started their alliance back in 2011, and have since developed a close cooperation in particular within the oil and gas sector.

«The networking event that we often promote together with Wikborg Rein during Nor-Shipping is an excellent opportunity for us to get together with our Norwegian clients and colleagues, as well as to meet potential new clients», says Joyce Jacobsen of Vieira Rezende.

Camila Mendes Vianna Cardoso in the middle, accompanied by her brother Godofredo, Vice-Admiral Cunha, Mauro Andrade of Equinor and others.

The state government of Rio de Janeiro was represented in Oslo by Secretary of Development Lucas Tristão and Deputy Secretary of oil and gas, Cristina Pinho.

«Social events are very important to business and important for us representing the state. Here you can ask and answer questions from colleagues and you will get a better notion on what is actually going on and what the state government is working on. The dialogue is more personal and you´re able to look people in the eyes when you talk to them», Ms. Pinho says.

On June 5, the Brazilian summer party, organized by Brazilian law firm Kincaid, completely packed the club Mesh in Oslo.

«Parties are good for business, and with the Brazilian summer party we would like to show Norwegians how a real carioca party is, with Brazilian music and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I believe that we have to celebrate life and the moments that are worth remembering, and if you can do business, but also provide our business partners with some fun, everyone is happy», says Camila Vianna Mendes Cardoso.

Full house!

She is very optimistic on behalf of the Brazilian offshore and maritime industry, and sees many reasons for celebration.

«Brazil has a promising future and the crisis is behind us», she says.

Brazilian NGO Dream Learn Work (DLW) was present with its own stand in the Blue Economy Hall at Nor-Shipping this year.

«The feedback has been incredible and Nor-Shipping 2019 just amazing. Lots of people are interested in hearing about education and sustainability and many are showing interest in partnering up with us, also companies outside of Brazil. Right now we are working on our Christmas campaign where we suggest that companies make a donation to DLW instead for giving gift to their employees, and having the chance to meet people outside the conference hall, in a different venue, is very important and we are very happy to be present at the party tonight. Parties are good for networking and contributes to opening new doors», says DLW manager Jeanette Lorvik Camargo.

The venue of the Closing Party of Nor-Shipping 2019 was the base of Akershus Fortress, a castle in the heart of Oslo which encompasses a collection of buildings built more than 700 years ago.

The party featured a concert with Andrea Bocelli and A-ha and ended with fireworks.

Would you like to read more articles from Nor-Shipping 2019:

Gas and green shipping highlighted in Brazil Podium

Set for a new growth cycle

Nor-Shipping 2019 – bigger, greener and better

By Runa Hestmann, NBCC journalist
