

Yara partners with Statkraft and Aker Horizons to establish Europe’s first large-scale green ammonia project

Yara International has signed a Letter of Intent with Statkraft, and Aker Horizons, aiming to establish Europe’s first large-scale green...

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Obligations of foreigners in Brazil: Planning ensures compliance with the rules

A foreigner in Brazil must fulfill obligations from the moment that he or she becomes a tax resident in the country Written by Augusto...

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Plenty of funding schemes for RD&I collaboration

In the first webinar in 2021, several opportunities for collaboration on RD&I were presented by high-level speakers. There are plenty...

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Oil and gas industry to boost transformational green investments, despite crash in confidence

New research published by DNV GL finds that the oil and gas industry expects to boost investment in the energy systems of the future this...

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NORDIC LIGHT: Business & Human Rights in Brazil: A necessary step towards ESG practices in line with Responsible Business Conduct

During the pandemic, ESG became a popular and frequent around the globe. It refers to enterprises’ environmental, social and corporate...

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Nor-Shipping 2021 postpones to January 2022 to deliver optimal industry impact

In a press release Nor-Shipping informs that the exhibition and activity programme planned for June 2021, will be postponed until January...

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NORDIC LIGHT: Adonis launches South American Operations in Brazil

To better serve customers with operations in South America, Adonis recently established an office in Brazil and engaged a local...

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Christmas Greeting from NBCC

2020 has been a year of historical challenges for humanity, and this year, NBCC will dedicate the Christmas event budget to a greater good!...

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Ana Zambelli: In my view, adversity looks like an opportunity

 Since I was growing up, I have learned that we must not let ourselves be defeated by adversity. The path will be rocky, and stumbling is...

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Lessons from the innovation system in the O&G sector in Norway to Brazil

Norwegian policies to develop the O&G industry and its innovation system were more successful than the Brazilian ones. This is the...

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